Public Call for Applications for Small Grants for Individuals – Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans (CC4WBs)

CATEGORY: Grants/Funding

Judith Macharia ()


The “Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans” (CC4WBs) project, funded by the European Union, is focused on fostering dialogue and reconciliation in the Western Balkans by enhancing the cultural and creative sectors for increased socio-economic impact. Over a 48-month period, the CC4WBs project aims to improve the performance of the cultural and creative sectors in order to enhance skills, knowledge, and access to financial aid to increase competitiveness and sustain coproduction and circulation of goods and services in the Western Balkans and with the European Union. Through this Public Call for Small Grants, the CC4WBs project aims to fill some funding gaps and to satisfy the growing demand of the Western Balkans’ cultural and creative industries, cultural operators, youth, media professionals and other individuals to be supported in their efforts to create a strong network within the Western Balkans and to become recognized inside and outside the WBs region.

Your application should provide us with the following information:

1. Who are you?
2. Where are you going?
3. Why are you going?
4. When are you planning to travel? Please ensure that your application is submitted at least three months
prior to the expected travelling date.
5. What is the duration of your stay abroad? Note that the duration of your project cannot be longer than 3
months (this includes preparation, travelling and accommodation expenses, participation fees, any other costs strictly related
to your stay, and final reporting).

This Open Call for Applications is continuously open until 31 December 2025! The evaluation committee will convey during the first week of every month for applications received by the end of the previous month.



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