Ammoon Alsheikh

Media Programming

Ammoon Alsheikh, 24 years old, From Palestine. Bachelor degree from Birzeit university in Major Media-Radio Broadcasting/Minor Television. A Reporter and News editor at Zamn Press News agency. One of the website and social media managers at the agency. Zamn Press is a Palestinian news agency based in Ramallah, Palestine. One of 25 Palestinian female bloggers at Annathra Blog. Annathra Blog is related to TAM organization (Women Media and Development), based in Bethlehem. Worked in 2 local Radio stations (Shabab FMJafra FM), 1 local TV channel (Alshera' TV) and a Palestinian satellite channel (AlFalstiniah). Had training cources in: Digital Tools for Newsgathering and Reporting Across Cultures. Ethics and Professionalism in Online Media, Multi-Platform Journalism. And advanced training sessions for Web Journalists.


UNAOC Pillar

Areas of Focus


  • Advertising
  • Social Media
  • Translation

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