Society for Rural Integrated and Youth Association
Youth Solidarity Fund (YSF)
I am a middle level development professional with 10+ years of result oriented leadership and management experience in social development sector. I have worked with credible organizations like Centre for Management development (CMD), Prasoon-MP, Rastriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi (RGVN), Action Aid and Unicef. My career in development sector is diverse with different roles as a Team Leader, Project Implementer, Trainer, M&E and Documentation Specialist, Evaluator, Researcher, and Consultant. Similarly, I have accumulated the experience from Grass-root organizations to International NGOs and have the privilege of associating with Government and Corporate Sectors as part of my work and training assignments.Focus of my career has been on result based programming that addresses just and equitable governance, diversity and ground level development with high level of policy and legislation influencing/lobbying work. Major strengths lie in managing large scale programs, providing techno-managerial leadership, building relations with government counterparts, corporate groups, and civil society organizations and achieving impact at scale in cross-cultural contexts. I have been involved in setting up and assessing monitoring and evaluation systems for various projects and having rich experience at different levels of project and programme management and design and operation of innovative M&E and Management Information Systems geared to improved decision making in different institutional settings, sub-sectoral Ministry Departments at regional/provincial and district level, decentralised administrative units and community based organizations (CBO’s), in a multi-donor context. I have also practical knowledge of formal, informal, and participatory data collection, analysis and reporting, database design and management, participatory impact assessment, indicator development for capacity building and also extensive experience of designing and conducting training courses in the fields of project planning, Logical Framework Approach (LFA), Project Cycle Management (PCM), monitoring and evaluation (M&E), Management Information Systems (MIS), participatory approaches, training of counterpart staff and training of trainers.
UNAOC Pillar
Areas of Focus
- Advocacy
- Data & Analytics
- Auditing
- Budgeting
- Evaluation
- Finance
- Fiscal
- Monitoring
- Research
- Management
- Coordination
- Decision Making
- Negotiation
- Risk Management
- Team Building
- Organization & Planning
- Events
- Logistics
- Strategy
- Trainings
- Technology
- E-Learning
- Hardware
- Internet
- IT
- Software