Randall Alexander

BMW Group

My name Randall , I worked for BMW Finance in Australia. I am father of 3 kids who loves helping the Ophans and Widows. Our area of focus for 2017 is to support the education program for the orphans and the underprivileged children in Sri Lanka. Currently the education program supports 120 children in two villages to study English and Computers, we want to expand this program to educate 500 children by the end of 2017 and then up to a 1000 children in 2018. When the children first attended the English program only four children knew the English alphabet. Now, all 120 children know the alphabet and are reading and writing in English with remarkable improvement in their exam results. Prior to joining the program, none of the children had ever touched a computer - now all of them are learning the basics


UNAOC Pillar

  • youth
  • education

Areas of Focus

  • Arts, Culture and Entertainment
  • Media Literacy


  • Creative Services


  • Computers for kids.

    • Randall Alexander
    • Grants/Funding

    Currently the education program supports 120 children in two villages to study English and computer studies, with a view to […]

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