Call for Proposals – Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans – CC4WBs

CATEGORY: Grants/Funding

Judith Macharia ()




UNESCO, the British Council and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) are jointly managing “Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans” (CC4WBs), a project funded by the European Union to foster dialogue in the Western Balkans by enhancing the cultural and creative sectors for increased socio-economic impact.

Over a 48-month period, the CC4WBs project aims to develop the capacities of cultural and creative sectors across the Western Balkans by acting at multiple levels and through the implementation of a system of mutually reinforcing activities leading to complementary outputs. The combined outcomes of these outputs, underpinned by a common strategic vision, are expected to enhance culture for social cohesion and sustainable development (Intermediate objective) and to foster reconciliation and good neighborly relations in the Western Balkans (Long-Term overall objective).

The three Partners will support more inclusive and effective cultural policies, enhance regional cultural cooperation, promote the mobility of artists and cultural operators, enhance the circulation of creative goods and services, and provide financial and technical assistance for cultural and creative industries. The project will also stimulate the protection, management and promotion of cultural heritage, as well as enhanced public-private partnerships in the cultural and creative sectors.

Participation in this Open Call for Proposals as a LEAD APPLICANT is open on equal grounds to:

• Public institutions (museums, galleries, theatres, institutes for the protection of cultural and
natural heritage, universities, cultural institutions, research institutes, tourism offices and others,
in accordance with the legislation), local governments (municipalities/cities) from the Western
Balkans IPA Beneficiaries2.
• Civil society organisations (CSOs): foundations and non-profit organisations, registered in one
or more of the WBs IPA Beneficiaries3





Public Call for Applications for Small Grants for Individuals – Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans (CC4WBs)

Judith Macharia

Call for Nominations: OHCHR-EAA Youth Advisory Board

Judith Macharia

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