International Summer School on Labour Integration of Migrants – Register Now!

CATEGORY: Training

Eliana Arteaga ()

The International Summer School on Migration and Asylum will be held in Bologna from 9 until 14 July 2018. After two successful editions, to which around 300 people from more than 40 countries have applied and more than 100 participants were selected, the main focus of this year edition will be the labour integration of migrants and refugees.

Also this year, BMW ITALY has continued to support our School as sponsoring partner.

Professors and experts from prestigious Universities and Institutions (United Nations University, Yale University, European Commission, EMN, EHESP among others) will train 50 international participants in a 6-day full-time immersion where the multidisciplinary approach and theory will be strongly supported by practice and case studies analysis.  

Indeed, after a few years of monopolizing the issue of “landings” and the organization of reception, the issue of professional integration of migrants and asylum seekers in Europe is beginning to take hold, recognizing that participation in the labour market is the most important step towards successful integration into host societies

Places are limited. To know more and register:


Public Call for Applications for Small Grants for Individuals – Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans (CC4WBs)

Judith Macharia

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