McKinsey Next Generation Women Leaders Award 2020 for Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East & South America

CATEGORY: Networking

Tamara El Chammah (UNAOC)

The McKinsey Next Generation Women Leaders Award 2020 is now open. The Next Generation Women Leaders award is a scholarship designed to recognize talent and support students who would like to maximize their own potential.

The first Next Generation Women Leaders (NGWL) event took place in Paris in 2012. The event brought together individuals who self-identify as female from across Europe and the Middle East who enjoyed three days of inspirational workshops, discussions, and networking. Over the years they have run additional initiatives to further support women’s leadership under the NGWL umbrella: events in Paris, Washington, D.C. and Sao Paulo and the NGWL award.

The NGWL event is an exclusive three-day workshop in which attendees explore the importance of women in leadership and refine their own leadership skills. The NGWL award is a financial scholarship combined with individual mentorship from McKinsey consultants.




Public Call for Applications for Small Grants for Individuals – Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans (CC4WBs)

Judith Macharia

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