Participate in the Parliamentary Conference on Interfaith Dialogue: Working Together for Our Common Future

CATEGORY: Conference/Fora/Seminars

Judith Macharia ()

The Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco, in cooperation with Religions for Peace, and with the support of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the Mohammadia League of Religious Scholars convene The Parliamentary Conference on Interfaith Dialogue: Working Together for Our Common Future  from 13 to 15 June 2023 in Marrakesh, Morocco. 

The Conference will bring together speakers and members of parliament, religious leaders, representatives of civil society and other experts to engage in dialogue and share good practices around key issues standing in the way of sustainable co-existence and to jointly explore action points for building more peaceful and inclusive societies. It will also aim to develop a roadmap for joint action ahead.

Additional information, including the programme overview, concept note and note on practical arrangements, – as well as the link to online registration – is available at :

UNAOC network, including alumni, are invited to attend this conference and can register at no cost. Please note that participants are however expected to cover costs connected to the participation in the event (travel, accommodation, etc). 

When answering the question “Is your Organization or Institution affiliated with Religions for Peace or the UN Alliance of Civilizations?” on the registration form, please make sure to click, Yes and indicate UN Alliance of Civilizations. This will help facilitate the validation process.For any questions, please contact the organizers at



Public Call for Applications for Small Grants for Individuals – Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans (CC4WBs)

Judith Macharia

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