UN HABITAT: Call for entry for photography competition on ‘Inclusive, Vibrant Neighbourhoods and Communities’

CATEGORY: Alumni collaboration

Tamara El Chammah (UNAOC)
Submission period

Within the framework of the World Urban Forum 11 (WUF11), the premier global conference on sustainable urbanization, UN-Habitat’s Flagship Programme 1 invites professional and amateur photographers worldwide to participate in a photo contest on the topic ‘Inclusive, Vibrant Neighbourhoods and Communities’.  The participants are invited to submit images documenting the transformative capacity of urban regeneration to improve the quality of life, spatial equity, and diversity in neighbourhoods, communities and the wider city. The submission deadline is 19 June 2022.

Considering the World Urban Forum 11 message – ‘Transforming our Cities for a Better Urban Future’ and the principles of the Programme, the photo competition has two categories open for photos submissions.

Category 1 – improved urban area through urban regeneration.
Category 2 – urban area in decline and in need of urban regeneration.


Why participate?

  • Winners of the contest will receive an award digital certificate award from the organiser partners.
  • All the selected photos will be presented in a public exhibition during the World Urban Forum 11 and digitally on UN-Habitat social media and digital platform.
  • Selected photos can be featured in future publications and the authors will receive full acknowledgment in the publication.



Launch of the call: 2 June 2022

Deadline for submission of photos: 19 June 2022

Announcement of winning and selected images for the exhibition: 24 June 2022

5. Instructions for participants

Select a picture that represents each of the categories.


 Category 1 improved urban area through urban regeneration

The photo(s) must be in good quality (see selection criteria) and must represent a place that has positively benefited from an urban regeneration process and symbolises its interrelated advantages (social, environmental, physical and economic), through:

  • social diversity (gender, age, ethnicity, etc.)
  • ecological presence and value
  • quality of urban infrastructure
  • economic activity.

Category 2 – urban area in decline and in need of urban regeneration

The photos(s) must represent a misused or underutilised space that could benefit in urban regeneration process. The location could be the same as a submitted photo from Category 1, before the urban regeneration interventions.


Describe the story behind your photo. 

Submitted photos should be accompanied with a description of no more than 150 words (English, French or Spanish) and the exact location. Add this description to the Participation Form below.


How to submit: 

  • Send a high-resolution photo(s) and the filled-in participation form to flagshiprogramme1@gmail.com
  • Use the email subject line ‘Inclusive, Vibrant Neighbourhoods and Communities’
  • Include the Category (1, 2) and the name of the location and city in the title of the photo.

Example: 1_TimesSquare_NYC.jpeg

  • Participants from all over the world are kindly invited to submit their works.
  • Participants are allowed to submit maximum 4 photos, the excess photos will not be considered but will participate in the competition only the first two couples.
  • Participants must enter the Category (1, 2) and the name of the location and city in the title of the photo.
    Example: 1_TimesSquare_NYC.jpeg
  • Participants are asked to avoid inserting the face of underage subjects in their photos.

Selection Criteria:

  • Photo for Category 1 must be submitted in JPEG or TIFF in high resolution (at least 900px wide, 150dpi).
  • Photos for Category 2 can be submitted in JPEG, JPG or PNG in good quality.
  • The winners will be selected by a jury composed of members of UN-Habitat and the Flagship Programme 1.

Judging Criteria:

The photo that will be exposed should be judged based on composition, responsiveness to the theme, originality and overall impact.

Please note that UN-Habitat reserves the right to select the images that are of most of interest and that not all submissions might be selected. The author(s) of the photos also agrees to licensing all rights of the photos to UN-Habitat for its communication and dissemination purposes:


Contact Information:

For further information, please send an email to this address: flagshiprogramme1@gmail.com

Rights of Photos 

  • Participation is free of charge.
  • The participant declares that she/he is the author of the photographs and the owner of their copyright and of the right to use the image.
  • By submitting an image, the participant gives UN-Habitat the right to share the image on social media, future publications (hardcopies) and the website competition.
  • UN-Habitat takes no responsibility for infringement of 3rd party rights. The submitter of the photograph will incur any and all penalties associated with infringing on a 3rd Party’s rights to the photo.
  • UN-Habitat reserves the right to cancel or modify the contest at its discretion.


Contact Information:

For further information, please send an email to this address flagshiprogramme1@gmail.com

Call for photos WUF11

Participation form

Call for photos (Word Version)



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