IIA alumni Safecity from India participated in the SDG5 Thematic Session of the United Nations Economic and Social Council #Youth2030 Forum, where Ms. Vaibhavi Rani touched on the interlinkages between gender, COVID-19 and Gender Based Violence.
Vaibhavi discussed the surge of crime rate in cyberspace and how Safecity became an accessible platform to report sexual offense anonymously during covid. “In India there is a big gap in the number of cases reported, compared to the number of actual offenses. We bridge that gap,” she said in her remarks.
Vaibhavi also reflected on the importance of educating youth in the collection of data and the laws of identifying and reporting sexual offenses online. “We invite students to understand policy loopholes and what are the ways in which infrastructural changes can make a city safer,” she said.
Learn more about this project: https://interculturalinnovation.org/safecity/