Are you ready to be a peer-leader in a global team? Are you keen on social entrepreneurship – using the market to help society? Now’s your chance! Enrol in the 2019 Global Enterprise Experience. It is free to enter, no travel is involved, and there is prize money, venture seed funding, awards and certificates.
You will have three weeks from May 1 – May 22 to work with colleagues from across the planet in virtual teams to “Develop a six-page business concept proposal for a low initial-cost venture that profitably progresses a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal.
Enrol before April 17. There are no restrictions in who may enrol. There is NZ$9,000 of prize money and seed capital, and awards, certificates and letters of commendation for completing participants. This year we expect 1000 participants from 60 countries. More information, including samples of previous reports and reflections, are available on the Global Enterprise Experience website. Please share our invitation to interested colleagues with this Facebook link.
To your global leadership success!